Friday 17 August 2012

Johnna Akers

Basidiomycetes is the phyla class of mushrooms. The mushrooms in this phyla have spores that are attached to the basidia, which are the specialized cells on the spore-bearing surface.

This is a millworm. They are a nutrious treat for lizards. To right is the actual millworm and to the left is it exoskelton that it sheads 2-3 weeks.

This picture represents frond. I found our 3 year our fern.

This is my pet lizard Roscoe. From April- July is his mating seaon. During these months I relaized he would inflate a flappy skin under his chin and move his head up and down. I researched this and found out that this is the way the male attracks a female for mating. This would be a mating behavior.

This ia a representation of pollen. Pollen can be found in flowers or flowering plants.

Vestigal structures are genetically determined structures or attributes that have apparently lost most or all of its ancestral function in a given species. Reduction of limbs and digits to a vestigial structure in lizards

 A C4 plant first fixes CO into a compound. Some types of C4 plants are crabgrass, sugarcane, and corn.
Flowers have a stigma and a style. The stigma prevents pollen from other flower species from fertilizing the plant . In some plants the style does the job of keepin the plant from fertilizing itself.

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