Saturday 14 July 2012

(The prop I used before, the penguin, could not be found for this photo shoot)
K-strategist- Species that usually concentrate their reproductive investment in a small number of offspring.
Like my dog Marley, if he were able to have pups, they would be in smaller litters than other animals. (Example: dogs may have 2 to 5 pups, while frogs can lay several eggs)
Fermentation: The process of this kind involved in the making of beer, wine, and liquor, in which sugars are converted to ethyl alcohol.
This is a picture of different wines and beers that all went through fermentation.
Batesian Mimicry: An edible animal is protected by its resemblance to a noxious one that is avoided by predators.
Knives is just an example of how some people protect themselves from a predator, as animals can use they're claws and other objects.
Cellular Respiration: also known as 'oxidative metabolism', is one of the key ways a cell gains useful energy.
This tree uses various resources to gain energy.
Cuticle layer of a plant: The waxy covering of a leaf.
They are also on fruits was well, but described as the thickness of the fruit.

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